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Dragon Ball Z: Battle Of Z

Dragon Ball Z: Battle Of Z

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  • 21'46 €
    21'46 €
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    Precio final £18.74 (21.46 € )
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Namco Bandai Games
Fecha de lanzamiento
Calificación por edades
Rating Apto para personas de 13 años o más
Are you a team player with the crazy skills and cool composure needed to triumph in massive cooperative battles? If this sounds like you, then Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z has just what you need, with revolutionary team battling for up to 4 players together in cooperative play against a host of fearsome opponents or in a giant 8-player battle royale. Work together to link powerful attacks including Meteor Chain and conquer gigantic foes like Great Ape Vegeta. Found his weak point? Push your advantage and take him down together in a flurry of fur! “The Dragon Ball games continue to thrill fans across Europe, and Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z brings some very exciting new features to the series,” said Olivier Comte, Senior Vice President, NAMCO BANDAI Games Europe. “The large scale cooperative team melee battles are like nothing players have seen before in a Dragon Ball game. Fans can’t afford to miss it.” With four different battle types, breath-taking visuals faithful to the inimitable Dragon Ball universe, plus full-featured solo play for those days when you want to bathe in the glory alone, Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z represents the next essential evolutionary phase in the illustrious history of the franchise. Appearances from Special Force and Super Saiyan GOD are the icing on the cake of this irresistible recipe for ki chaos on the ground and in the air. Prepare your battle cry! Click Images To Enlarge
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